Technical expertise driving excellence.



The Dry Powder Inhaler with Inertia: the pulmonary innovation of 2024

A DPI compliant with the latest FDA standards’ evolution : the low-respiratory profile patient. Complete dosage freedom up to 30 mg.

  • Simple and intuitive
  • Standard size 3 capsule
  • Developed with a low respiratory profile – (2 liters)
  • Synchronized with the patient’s breath
  • Dose volume independent of patient profile from 5 to 30 mg
  • Over 95% yield on expelled dose
  • Designed for use over 1 year (365 actuations)


Auto-injector Platform: 1 PowerPack, 3 Uses

Single use, comfort AI


  • Comfort AI, disposable
  • 1mL pre-filled syringe à Complete injection
  • Low viscosity (<15 Cp)
  • Subcutaneous injection (6 à 12 mm)
  • Injection time up to 10s
  • Push on skin trigger mechanism
  • Manual needle insertion
  • Audio indicator
  • Window
  • Needle protection

Comfort AI, Reusable powerpack

  • 1mL pre-filled syringe à Complete injection
  • Low viscosity (<15 Cp)
  • Subcutaneous injection (6 à 12 mm)
  • Injection time up to 10s
  • Push on skin trigger mechanism
  • Manual needle insertion
  • Audio indicator
  • Inspection window
  • Needle protection
  • Locking ring
  • Target number of uses : 50 (could be extended to at least 100)

Single use, safety AI


  • 1mL pre-filled syringe à Partial injection (0,3mL)
  • Low viscosity (<15 Cp)
  • Subcutaneous or intramuscular injection
  • Injection time up to 3s (Safety AI requirements)
  • Push on skin trigger mechanism
  • Manual needle insertion
  • Audio indicator
  • No window
  • Needle protection
  • Locking ring


“Insert Plunger” : Laboratory tool for inserting and positioning a stopper in a tubular container (PFS, Cartridge, …)

Résultats obtenus grâce à l’Insert Plunger :

  • Respect for the integrity of the stopper’s functional zones, which characterise the seal with the container.
  • Assembly of the stopper in a defined position.
  • No excess pressure in the container after assembly.
  • The stoppers do not come into contact with the hand.
  • Filled containers are not handled.

Fatigue test bench : Enables mechanical ageing tests to be carried out by actuating products

High quality and powerfull fatigue test bench design to execute fast and precise repetitive movement

Safety first, our test bench comply with mechanical and electrical Europeen standards

Active air extraction


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