Technical expertise driving excellence.

suite logicielle d'aide à la conception



Software suite, from design…

Design Control Power is a software suite that brings together the knowledge that industry has had to acquire in order to master the mass production of manufactured products..

Before the use of computers in design offices, designers had to have a good mathematical and geometrical basis to be able to calculate complex mechanisms that could be defined by graphic methods…

This is why we have computerised this know-how in Design Control Power, a tool designed by mechanical engineers for mechanical engineers, complementary to CAD tools.

DESIGN CONTROL capture écran contrôle

… to design file

Contrary to preconceived ideas, the 3D model is not in the “center” of the company, it is simply part of it, carrying the manufacturing technology business specifications, with a geometric definition of the component which is much more precise than the real part could be.

CAD is a necessary but insufficient tool to meet the requirements of the American FDA standards (21 CFR) and the ISO 9001 standard, which require an impeccable design file.

The latter is the real memory of your company, that’s why DCP accompanies its establishment and the management of its evolution.

DCP allows the link between the functional tree and the architecture of your product (bill of material by functional breakdown at the highest level) as well as the propagation of severity classes (HCPP standard) from the service function to the functional parameters, to be able to establish an optimal and economic control plan.

Design Control Power features

DCP allows to establish a large part of the Design Justification File (DJF), essential element for the establishment of a Quality By Design (QBD) or a Combination Product, by the concatenation of :

  • The functional analysis
  • The FMEA
  • The matrix of part to part relationships
  • The memory of your tolerancing
  • The control plan

DCP allows you to perform operations that are not possible with a spreadsheet.

Our standard license which will give you the possibility to :

  • Report your functional analysis and FMEA
  • Carry out your dimensional chain calculation
  • Take into account the statistical models of dimensions in the context of single or multi-cavity tools
  • Master your tolerancing choices
  • Ensure the follow-up of product modifications

DESIGN CONTROL homme vérifiant une pièce

Design Control Power’s benefits

The purchase of such a license remains more economical than developing, by youself, a utility that cannot be as complete as DCP, which benefits from more than thirty years of experience in this field.

Its strong points :

Ease of use with a proven track record of profitability

✓ A technology that has proven itself on numerous projects for over 30 years

Adaptability to your needs with its specific modules: non-linear module, multi-physics module and tooling qualification module

An interface that works with Creo and Solidworks CAD software

DESIGN CONTROL Pièces mécaniques filaires

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